Find Past Provincial and National Champions
Team “A” denotes the Alberta Provincial Champion at Nationals.
Team “B” denotes the Alberta Provincial runner-up that also attends Nationals.
Find National Champions
Teams that won Nationals are highlighted and have a star (*) behind them
Do you have pictures of a winning team from a competition found on our website?
If so compare your picture with what we have (or don’t have) and if yours is a better picture, please send them to [email protected] or Tim Wiseman
When submitting a picture, please
- Check that we don’t already have it on the site
- Identify the event,
- The season,
- Members of the team shown from
- back row to front row
- listing bowlers from left to right
- include coaches/manager names if you have them
We would love to add all this history to our website
Use the arrows to the right to select the Championship you are interested in
Nationals: Saskatoon
Calgary Team “A”
Ron Diamond
Chris Wrigley
Arlene Wahl
Kim Teters
Bob Stirling (coach)
Edmonton Team “B”
Barry Luopa
Arthur Lacroix
Courtney Troock
Janice Popiwchuk
Melody Bobinec (coach)
Nationals: Saskatoon
Nationals: Saskatoon
Edmonton Team “B”
Barry Luopa
Arthur Lacroix
Courtney Troock
Janice Popiwchuk
Melody Bobinec (coach)
Central Team “A”
Larry Gabert
Wayne Walker
Candice Bakkeli
Carol Walker
Eric Andersen (Coach)
Nationals: Calgary
Central Team “A”
Dale McKenelley
Curtis McKenelley
Bonnie Malmas
Bev Morin
Debbie Boswell (Coach)
Edmonton Team “B”
Barry Luopa
Yvon Hachey
Trish Kidd
Teresa Maquire
Andre Vaillancourt (coach)
Nationals: Winnipeg
Southern Team “A” **
Keith Keeler
Clive Keeler
Bev Keeler
Sharon Keeler
Carol Oster (Coach)
Central Team “B”
Wade Berg
Don Lattery
Nancy Smith
Carol Brown
Eric Andersen (Coach)
Nationals: Thunder Bay
Edmonton Team “A”
Steve Leckie
Barry Luopa
Teresa Maguire
Cindy Begalke
Yvon Hachey (Coach)
Edmonton Team “B”

Nationals: Regina
Southern Team “A”
Mike Bolduc
Keith Keeler
Bev Keeler
Alma Gutfriend
Gizelle Darr (Coach)
Edmonton Team “B”

Nationals: Hamilton
Edmonton Team “A” **
National Champions
Barry Luopa
Paul Navartil
Lisa Philips
Jocelyn Bird
Darrell Bradley (Coach)
Edmonton Team “B”
Yvon Hachey
Gary Leigh
Bernice Heisler
Linda Schwonik
Gerry Anderson (Coach)
Nationals: Edmonton
Edmonton Team “A”

Calgary Team “B”
Doug Massan
Trevor McElroy
Jennifer Taylor
Christine Hawes
Debbie Boswell (Coach)
Nationals: Thunder Bay
Edmonton Team “A”
National Silver Medallists
Toby Waterman
Steven Leckie
Astrid Olsen
Cassie Finkbeiner
Dexter Wiseman (Coach)
Central Team “B”
Shari Hansen
Kelly Budd
Steve Budd
Ty Frank
Eric Andersen (Coach)
Nationals: Charlottetown
Central Team “A”
National Bronze Medalist
Calgary Team “B”
Nationals: Winnipeg
Central Team “A”
National Bronze Medalist

Calgary Team “B”
Rick Krahn
Michael Haug
Jennifer Collier
Karin Zado
Maria Wood (Coach)
Nationals: Gatineau
Central Team “B”
National Silver Medalist

Calgary Team “A”
National Bronze Medalist

Nationals: Hamilton
Central Team “A”

Central Team “B”
Brian Henke
Chris Taylor
Sylvia Hitchcock
Tricia Wigston
Eric Andersen (Coach)
Nationals: Charlottetown
Central Team “A”
Bronze Medal at Nationals

Calgary Team “B”

Nationals: Cancelled Due to Covid 19 after provincials had occured
North “A”

Central Team “B”
Lisa Goldsbury
Sam Leavitt
Tamara Borley
Angie Bergeson
Coach: Bonnie Malmas
Provincial and National Event Cancelled Due to Covid-19 Pandemic