Youth Challenge – Pins Over Average Champions

Do you have pictures of a winning team from a competition found on our website?

If so compare your picture with what we have (or don’t have) and if yours is a better picture, please send them to or Tim Wiseman

When submitting a picture, please

  • Check that we don’t already have it on the site
  • Identify the event,
  • The season,
  • Members of the team shown from
    • back row to front row
    • listing bowlers from left to right
  • include coaches/manager names if you have them

We would love to add all this history to our website

Use the arrows to the right to select the Championship you are interested in

The Pins Over Average event was added in 2018 to afford an opportunity for additional participation and as a means of drawing participants who have not yet reached the elite level


Starting in 2018 a Pins Over Average event was added.

* Scratch team winners are not eligible for the P.O.A. awards

The Pins Over Average event was added in 2018 to afford an opportunity for additional participation and as a means of drawing participants who have not yet reached the elite level

The Pins Over Average event was added in 2018 to afford an opportunity for additional participation and as a means of drawing participants who have not yet reached the elite level

The Pins Over Average event was added in 2018 to afford an opportunity for additional participation and as a means of drawing participants who have not yet reached the elite level

Click the link to download an Excel file with all the information.